Pickleball for the first time in Bürmoos

At this year’s youth tennis camp of the TC Bürmoos in Salzburg, which lasts a week, Pickleball was also offered on July 29th and 30th, 2024. 31 children took part in the camp and were able to try out Pickleball over two days. The fun factor was great and the children were enthusiastic. All of the children already had tennis experience, so the transition to Pickleball was quick and the balls flew through the hall in Bürmoos.

The Vice President of the Pickleball Federation Austria, Heide Forman, trained with the children and could not praise the excellent organization of the tennis camp and the coaching team enough. The equipment was provided by Pickleball Ostermiething – part of the Sportunion Ostermiething. It is particularly important to Heide Forman that the children can let off steam and get some exercise, and of course fun is the main focus. “We want to give the children the opportunity to play Pickleball in the future too,” says Forman. Pickleball is also part of the holiday program in Ostermiething, and children and teenagers regularly train and play with the Pickleball group in Ostermiething. “Pickleball is easy to learn,” says Heide Forman, “and the rules aren’t difficult either, which the children like. This shows once again that pickleball is a sport for all ages.”