1. Rackathletes Pickleball Cup: A Milestone for Pickleball in Austria

With 40 participants and a total of 55 entries in 5 different categories, the 1st Rackathletes Pickleball Cup on February 11th 2024 was the largest pickleball tournament in Austria to date. It was an event full of exciting games, outstanding performances and new faces in the pickleball universe.

In the categories Open Doubles (Cat. 1-3, beginners), Open Doubles (Cat. 3.5+), Women’s Doubles (Cat. 3.5+), Mixed Doubles (Cat. 3.5+) and Open Singles (Cat. 3.5+) the champions were determined who demonstrated their skills and passion for the sport.

Grubmüller wins triple

Particularly noteworthy is the impressive performance of Stefan Grubmüller from Vienna won all three competitions in which he took part: Open Singles, Open Doubles with Thomas Knapp and Mixed Doubles with Ashley Simpson. The Hungarians Ramóna Ambrus-Rácz and Hajnalka Szabo, who had already won the first PFA tournament in August 2023, also won the Women’s Doubles competition (Cat. 3.5+). The Open Doubles competition (Cat. 1-3, beginners) went to Hungary as well, where László and Lénárd Szeli prevailed.

The tournament was also a platform for numerous newcomers who achieved strong results. Markus and Stefan Müllner achieved fourth place in the Open Doubles (Cat. 3.5+). Julie Krainer narrowly missed the podium with Jasmin Primus in the Women’s Doubles (Cat. 3.5+). Peter Eggert even reached the final of the Open Doubles (cat. 3.5+) alongside PFA President Peter Robic.

Sportunion Vienna supports Pickleball

The organizing club, Sportunion Rackathletes Austria, was able to organize this event at the Union Sports Center Hietzing with the support of Sportunion Vienna. The hall proved to be an excellent pickleball location and participants loved the conditions. “A great event – it was really fun,” said three-time champion Stefan Grubmüller, who only started playing pickleball six months ago. The Sport Union Vienna was represented by Vice President Toni Dampier, thereby underlining its commitment to amateur sports. Dampier: “One of our member clubs plays pickleball – and that’s great! Pickleball can be played in any gym; the equipment is affordable. I also tried it myself: Pickleball is fun, it’s close to padel tennis – but with volleyball rules. Pickleball is a sport that makes you move and the Sport Union supports sports that move people – according to our motto: Movement happens.”

The top 3 of all competitions:

Open Doubles (all genders) – skill level 3.5+
1. Thomas Knapp/Stefan Grubmüller, 2. Peter Robic/Peter Eggert, 3. Martin Kova/Filip Markovic

Open Doubles (all genders) – skill level 1-3
1. Lénárd Szeli/László Szeli, 2. Stefan Popescu/Sebastian Ciuciu, 3. Heide Forman/David Forman

Women’s Doubles – skill level 3.5+
1. Ramona Ambrus-Rácz/Hajnalka Szabo, 2. Barbara Szabo/Ashley Simpson, 3. Nóra Csigó/Anna Rupf

Mixed Doubles – skill level 3.5+
1. Ashley Simpson/Stefan Grubmüller, 2. Andrea Novotny/Thomas Knapp, 3. Jasmin Primus/Peter Robic

Open Singles – skill level 3.5+
1. Stefan Grubmüller, 2. Thomas Knapp, 3. Martin Kova

Photo album: Facebook

Draws: Rankedin

The next PFA Pickleball tournaments are already being planned! The Pickleball sport in Austria is growing – the PFA regularly informs anyone interested about further activities in the Pickleball Facebook group, as well as on Facebook and Instagram.